Future know-how from the very beginning
Since computers have been there for everyone, the CRON experts, as programming pioneers, have been the industry’s best. As a software and systems house, the team today works in the following fields:
• in-house material flow
• warehouse and material handling
• production control
• machine and operating data collection
• picking
• production and batching
• slaughtering
• butchering
The balance of long-term experience and future oriented engineer knowledge gives rise to well-engineered products and services, which can be implemented not only in the meat and sausage product operations and in retail, but even in many other fields, such as the chemical industry.
Integrated complete solutions
Companies are constantly being issued new challenges today due to globalisation’s intensified international competition and customer’s complex wishes. In order to achieve competitive advantages, all areas of a company have to be examined for further rationalization potential. Of extreme importance is the optimisation of the material flow efficiency. The sophisticated automation and the usage of DP supported systems in the production, goods in and goods out fields, as well as dispatching, are the essential cornerstones of a successful future strategy. The aim, therefore, is integrated complete solutions which guarantee an efficient information flow between the individual operating areas.
Whoever is contemplating automation in production, goods in, goods out or dispatching, and whoever wants to integrate systems and machines into the operational information flow, will find in CRON a skilled partner who knows in every detail all that matters.
Customer service à la CRON
The top maxim at CRON is: to take the time and listen attentively, to understand the customer’s concerns and their individual operational context from scratch, and: CRON accompanies their customers responsibly throughout the entire project and is constantly present when there are any questions or requests. The CRON guiding principles for customer service are therefore:
• fast and uncomplicated implementation of tasks and wishes
• intensive advice in the pre-sale and planning phase
• submission of qualified offers
• cost-effective and time-saving delivery of all services from one source
• project management by technically and commercially experienced project managers
Challenges welcome!
Just when it’s getting tricky and there are difficult tasks to be solved is when the CRON technicians and engineers realize their true potential. Therefore, challenge the CRON know-how! Close collaboration results in tailor-made solutions with which you are completely satisfied and which lead to significant improvements in the operational processes.
It also means that the relationship with CRON does not end with the installation. Thorough instruction and training of the employees are a matter of course as are extensive support services and operations support. CRON experts will assist you with expert advice and knowledgeable action to ensure that the result is clear – your success!